Tag Archives: polo shirts

How To Wear A Halter Polo Top

IMG_20150603_223058Polo Shirts Can come sleeveless, halter tops, and dresses. The white in this makes matching it up easy and I went for a semi-casual look for this one. I went for a Lemmon yellow look with this and the skirt is from Top Shop. I paired it off with a Lemmon yellow show that is made comfortable with it being flat but still a little dressy. I made the look a little more casual with a seersucker bag. Do not wear a necklace with a halter top. You have enough going on around the neck.

Brining Back The Lacoste PoloLacoste

IMG_20150528_000337Tradtionaly, the Lacoste polo has been a preppy icon for polo shirts. They have been replaced by Ralph Lauren and his polo shirt designs by the younger generation. Here is why I stick to the Lacoste polo. They are more reserved which makes it easier to coordinate with outfits. Here I kept the polo muted in a navy blue with the blue in the entire outfit.